Research Review on Mentoring LGBTQ Youth
Does having a mentor improve the well-being of youth who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, intersex or gender-nonconforming? Though few empirical studies have been conducted to address this and related questions, AIR researcher Christian Rummell summarizes a growing body of literature for the National Mentoring Resource Center that points to the type of support that might be most closely associated with positive outcomes.
The review suggests the importance of in-person mentoring relationships and the value of mentors who use youth-centered approaches and play advocacy roles. The report highlights a number of promising practices and program models to strengthen mentoring services for this population, which is greatly underserved by mentoring programs, yet identified as high risk for poor health outcomes due to lack of support and acceptance. Though the lack of research precludes evidence based solutions, the review concludes with recommendations for practice.