Creating Access to Successful Employment in Kentucky (Project CASE)

Creating Access to Successful Employment (Project CASE) is Kentucky’s response to meeting the training and employment needs of individuals with disabilities within a career pathway framework. Funded by the Rehabilitation Services Administration, a division of the U.S. Department of Education, Project CASE intends to increase participation in career pathways for individuals with disabilities to acquire marketable skills and recognized postsecondary credentials and secure competitive integrated employment in high demand occupations.

Project CASE implements innovative training, engagement, and outreach strategies to serve individuals with disabilities in 7 counties of Metro Louisville (KentuckianaWorks) and 23 rural counties of Eastern Kentucky (Eastern Kentucky Concentrated Employment Program-EKCEP) targeting three industry sectors: information technology, manufacturing and industrial technology, and healthcare/nursing and allied health. AIR conducts both implementation and outcome evaluations of the project to identify promising practices, document unique features of the Project CASE model, and evaluate the impact of the project on system alignment, program improvement, and employment outcomes for individuals with disabilities.

Project CASE Toolkit

In collaboration with Project CASE, AIR translated evaluation findings to develop a series of five strategy guides to describe promising practices that Project CASE implemented. The PDF guides provide action steps and useful tips to support voca­tional rehabilitation professionals in replicating and implementing these strategies to increase hiring, career development, and career advance­ment for individuals with disabilities.

As companion pieces to each strategy guide, animated slideshow videos spotlight Project CASE staff. VR counselors, career pathway coordinators (CPCs), VR administrators, and partners share their experiences in implementing the promising practices described in the strategy guides.

Under each Project CASE strategy guide below, we present a list of video clips on each of the strategy guide topics.

Using a Career Pathways Approach to Provide Pre-Employment Transition Services

Employer Engagement

Reverse Job Fairs: Strategy to a New Career Path

Career Pathway Coordinators: Critical Links in the Career Pathway System

Understanding and Implementing the Career Pathways Approach with Individuals with Disabilities in VR Settings