Rachel Garrett
Rachel Garrett is a managing researcher at AIR with a focus on quantitative analysis and methodology. Her major areas of research include educator effectiveness, English learners, math learning and instruction, and educational applications of technology.
Dr. Garrett currently serves as the project director for a randomized efficacy study of a technology-enhanced, extended-time Algebra I program, funded by the National Science Foundation. She also is the principal investigator of research collaboration with a Midwest, urban school district focused on improving educational outcomes for English Learners. She was recently the video classroom observation lead and an analyst in a large-scale, federally funded randomized field trial of a mathematics professional development study for fourth-grade teachers. Dr. Garrett’s other recent work examines how well teacher effectiveness is measured using classroom observation scores.
She regularly presents at national conferences and her work is published in peer-reviewed journals, including the Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis and Early Childhood Research Quarterly. Dr. Garrett holds a Ph.D. in Public Policy from the University of Chicago, where she was an IES pre-doctoral fellow.
Ph.D., Public Policy, University of Chicago; B.A., Economics, Barnard College, Columbia University