Gauri (Gee) Rege
Gee Rege is a senior industrial-organizational researcher at AIR. She conducts applied research and consulting in the areas of human capital and workforce development for public and private employers, associations, and foundations. Rege’s work focuses on personnel selection and retention, skills-based practices, and strategies aimed at reducing barriers to gainful employment. Throughout her career, Rege has delved into diverse topic areas that span the entire employee life cycle and include workforce development topics.
Ms. Rege serves as the project director for AIR’s work with the electrical training ALLIANCE, through which AIR conducts research, develops and maintains the selection system for electrician apprenticeship programs. This work also involved identifying and helping mitigate reasons for apprentice attrition. Her current and recent work has included leading AIR’s work to researching occupational licensing requirements and barriers, customer experiences, and conducting usability testing. A core component of this work has been to intentionally increase equity in opportunities and outcomes.
Prior to joining AIR, Ms. Rege worked as a human capital management sr. analyst at the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation. She is currently a member of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology and previous vice-president of the Personnel Testing Council of Metropolitan Washington.M.A., Industrial-Organizational Psychology, Wayne State University; B.Sc. Psychology, University of Glasgow